Kickstart your career
in tech today

Tech In Nigeria is a skills development and job placement platform that trains and connects young African talents with long-term employment.

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Students registered 

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Learn a new tech skill today!

Learn a new skills with Tech In Nigeria, from our various courses

Be employable
in 3months

With this initiative all families will be
the silicon valley of nigeira.

“You made it so simple”

Lectures have really been simplified didn’t know it was this easy


University Graduate

“Simply the best”

Thank you so much for the trainings and masterclasses it was super impactful


Product Designer

Do I need to pay to apply and enroll?

A super discounted registration fee is needed to get you to enroll for a Tech In Nigeria Study track.

Who is eligible to participate?

Yes! you can apply as an undergraduate currently in a university or out of.

And feel free to also register if you have no prior knowledge of any study track as we will be teaching you all you will need to get you up and running.

How long is the course for?

Tech In Nigeria Program is a duration of 8weeks and as long as 24weeks ranging on your study track

Is the course free?

Yes, the course is partly funded by the Nigerian Government.

Kickstart your career in tech today

TechInNigeria is a skills development and job placement platform that trains and connects young African talents with long-term employment.